先來確認 HylaFax 的相關套件有沒有存在系統內(其實不檢查也沒關係,因為安裝過程中也會檢查)
# rpm -qa | grep libtiff
# rpm -qa | grep zlib
# rpm -qa | grep awk
# rpm -qa | grep sendmail
# rpm -qa | grep ghostscript
Lib Tiff http://www.remotesensing.org/libtiff/
Sendmail http://www.sendmail.org/
GhostScript http://www.cs.wisc.edu/~ghost/
uuencode http://rpmfind.net/linux/rpm2html/search.php?query=uuencode&submit=Search+...&system=&arch=
之後先到 HylaFax 網站下載 Source Code ftp://ftp.hylafax.org/source/hylafax-4.2.5.tar.gz
下載完成後,將該檔案放在 /tmp 底下,並執行解壓縮動作
# tar zxvf hylafax-4.2.5.tar.gz
開始做Compile 的動作
# cd /hylafax-4.2.5
# ./configure
Configuring HylaFAX (tm) (aka FlexFAX) 4.2.5.
If configure does the wrong thing, check the file config.log for information that may
help you understand what went wrong.
Reading site-wide parameters from ./config.site.
Reading cached parameters from config.cache.
Using /usr/bin/gcc for a C compiler (set CC to override).
Using " -fpic" for C compiler options.
Looks like /usr/bin/gcc has an ANSI C preprocessor.
... but __ANSI_CPP__ is not automatically defined, will compensate.
Looks like /usr/bin/gcc supports the -M option for generating make dependencies.
Using /usr/bin/g++ for a C++ compiler (set CXX to override).
Using " -g -fpic" for C++ compiler options.
Looks like /usr/bin/g++ has an ANSI C preprocessor.
... but __ANSI_CPP__ is not automatically defined, will compensate.
Using /usr/bin/make to configure the software.
Using "include file" syntax for Makefiles.
Using /bin/bash to process command scripts.
Checking for PAM (Pluggable Authentication Module) support
... found. Enabling PAM support
Checking for JBIG library support
... not found. Disabling JBIG support
Looks like -lcrypt is needed for crypt.
Looks like -lutil is needed for wtmp file logging.
Using previously created port.h.
Checking system libraries for functionality to emulate.
Done checking system libraries.
Checking ZLIB support. ← 這裡會確認有沒有之前裝的套件在系統裡
Using ZLIB include files from
Using pre-built ZLIB library -lz
Done checking ZLIB support.
Checking TIFF support. ← 這裡會確認有沒有之前裝的套件在系統裡
Using TIFF binary files from /usr/bin
Done checking TIFF support.
Looks like your system supports LINUX-style DSOs.
Selecting programs used during installation and operation.
Looks like /bin/gawk should be used in command scripts. ←這裡會確認有沒有之前裝的套件在系統裡
Looks like /usr/sbin/sendmail should be used to deliver mail. ←這裡會確認有沒有之前裝的套件在系統裡
Looks like /usr/bin/mkfifo creates FIFO special files.
Looks like /bin/ln supports the -s option to create a symbolic link.
Looks like SysV init scripts go in /etc/rc.d/init.d.
Done selecting programs.
Selecting default HylaFAX configuration parameters.
Using uid uucp and gid uucp for controlling access to fax stuff.
Using uid bin and gid bin for installing programs.
Using LSB2MSB bit order for your i686 cpu.
Looks like you need SysV getty support.
Using /sbin/agetty as the program to exec for a data call.
Using /bin/vgetty as the program to exec for a voice call.
Using /bin/egetty as the program to exec for an extern call.
Looks like you use ascii-style UUCP lock files.
Looks like UUCP lock files go in /var/lock.
Looks like the gs imager package should be used.
Looks like /usr/bin/gs is the PostScript RIP to use.
Setting the Fontmap path to /root/.fonts:/usr/share/ghostscript/7.07/lib:/usr/share/ghostscript/fonts:/usr/shar
Looks like font metric information goes in /root/.fonts:/usr/share/ghostscript/7.07/lib:/usr/share/ghostscript/fonts:/usr/shar
Looks like manual pages go in /usr/local/man.
Looks like manual pages should be installed with bsd-source-cat.
Press Return to Continue
HylaFAX configuration parameters (part 1 of 2) are:
[ 1] Directory for applications: /usr/local/bin
[ 2] Directory for lib data files: /usr/local/lib/fax
[ 3] Directory for lib executables: /usr/local/sbin
[ 4] Directory for system apps: /usr/local/sbin
[ 5] Directory for manual pages: /usr/local/man
[ 6] Directory for HTML documentation: /var/httpd/htdocs/hylafax
[ 7] Directory for spooling: /var/spool/hylafax
[ 8] Directory for uucp lock files: /var/lock
[ 9] Uucp lock file scheme: ascii
[10] PostScript imager package: gs
[11] PostScript imager program: /usr/bin/gs
[12] Manual page installation scheme: bsd-source-cat
[13] Default page size: North American Letter
[14] Default vertical res (lpi): 98
Are these ok [yes]? ← 這裡可以按 Enter 或是打 yes , 也可以打每一行前面的數字以便更改項目設定
按 yes 或 Enter 繼續
HylaFAX configuration parameters (part 2 of 2) are:
[15] Location of getty program: /sbin/agetty
[16] Location of voice getty program: /bin/vgetty
[17] Location of sendmail program: /usr/sbin/sendmail
[18] Location of TIFF tools: /usr/bin
[19] Location of SysV init scripts: /etc/rc.d/init.d
[20] Location of SysV start scripts: ../rc2.d ../rc3.d ../rc4.d ../rc5.d
[21] Location of SysV stop scripts: ../rc0.d ../rc1.d ../rc6.d
[22] Name of SysV start script: S97hylafax
[23] Name of SysV stop script: K05hylafax
[24] Init script starts faxq: yes
[25] Init script starts hfaxd yes
[26] Start old protocol: no
[27] Start paging protocol: no
Are these ok [yes]? ← 這裡可以按 Enter 或是打 yes , 也可以打每一行前面的數字以便更改項目設定
按 yes 或 Enter 繼續
接下來就是 make 及 make install
# make
# make install
執行 faxsetup 及 faxaddmodem
# /usr/local/sbin/faxsetup
Should an entry be added for the FaxMaster to /etc/aliases [yes]?
新增一個 FaxMAster 的 Aliases ,在 /etc/aliases 加入別名
Users to receive fax-related mail [root]?
/etc/aliases: 77 aliases, longest 10 bytes, 778 bytes total
Rebuilt /etc/aliases database.
Update /var/spool/hylafax/status/any.info.
HylaFAX configuration parameters are:
[1] Init script starts faxq: yes
[2] Init script starts hfaxd yes
[3] Start old protocol: no
[4] Start paging protocol: no
Are these ok [yes]? ← 這裡可以按 Enter 或是打 yes , 也可以打每一行前面的數字以便更改項目設定
按 yes 或 Enter 繼續
Modem support functions written to /var/spool/hylafax/etc/setup.modem.
Configuration parameters written to /var/spool/hylafax/etc/setup.cache.
No scheduler config file exists, creating one from scratch.
Country code [1]? 886
Area code []? 2
區碼(台北2)(就是02去掉0) 輸入2
Long distance dialing prefix [1]? 0
長途碼 0 ,輸入0
International dialing prefix [011]? 002
Dial string rules file (relative to /var/spool/hylafax) ["etc/dialrules"]?
Tracing during normal server operation [1]?
Default tracing during send and receive sessions [0xffffffff]?
Continuation cover page (relative to /var/spool/hylafax) []?
Timeout when converting PostScript documents (secs) [180]?
Maximum number of concurrent jobs to a destination [1]?
Define a group of modems []?
Time of day restrictions for outbound jobs ["Any"]?
Pathname of destination controls file (relative to /var/spool/hylafax) []?
所有安裝目的控制檔的所在目錄 相對於/var/spool/hylafax
Timeout before purging a stale UUCP lock file (secs) [30]?
Max number of pages to permit in an outbound job [0xffffffff]?
Syslog facility name for ServerTracing messages [daemon]?
The non-default scheduler parameters are:
CountryCode: 886
AreaCode: 2
LongDistancePrefix: 0
InternationalPrefix: 002
Are these ok [yes]? ← 這裡是要你確定之前設定的沒有問題
Creating new configuration file /var/spool/hylafax/etc/config...
Restarting HylaFAX server processes.
Should I restart the HylaFAX server processes [yes]?
詢問是不是要重新啟動HylaFax 的Daemon
/etc/rc.d/init.d/hylafax start
HylaFAX: faxq hfaxd (without old protocol & without SNPP support).
You do not appear to have any modems configured for use. Modems are
configured for use with HylaFAX with the faxaddmodem(8C) command.
Do you want to run faxaddmodem to configure a modem [yes]?
Serial port that modem is connected to []? ttyS0
ttyS0:Com 1
ttyS1:Com 2
Ok, time to setup a configuration file for the modem. The manual
page config(5F) may be useful during this process. Also be aware
that at any time you can safely interrupt this procedure.
Reading scheduler config file /var/spool/hylafax/etc/config.
No existing configuration, let's do this from scratch.
Country code [1]? 886
Area code [415]? 2
區碼(台北2)(就是02去掉0) 輸入2
Phone number of fax modem [+1.999.555.1212]?
Local identification string (for TSI/CIG) ["NothingSetup"]?
傳真機的識別ID,一般使用電話號碼或是公司的英文縮寫不可太長 如 sony,當你傳真時顯
Long distance dialing prefix [1]?
長途碼 0 ,輸入0
International dialing prefix [011]?
Dial string rules file (relative to /var/spool/hylafax) [etc/dialrules]?
Tracing during normal server operation [1]?
Tracing during send and receive sessions [11]?
Protection mode for received facsimile [0600]?
Protection mode for session logs [0600]?
Protection mode for ttyS0 [0600]?
Rings to wait before answering [1]?
Modem speaker volume [off]?
Command line arguments to getty program ["-h %l dx_%s"]?
Pathname of TSI access control list file (relative to /var/spool/hylafax) [""]?
傳真機的識別ID ACL 檔案存放的路徑 /var/spool/hylafax
Pathname of Caller-ID access control list file (relative to /var/spool/hylafax) [""]?
Caller ID ACL 檔案存放的路徑 /var/spool/hylafax
Tag line font file (relative to /var/spool/hylafax) [etc/lutRS18.pcf]?
所有的傳真最上面有一行包含了(送件人,收件人,日期,公司等)資料我們稱為tag line所使用的字型
Tag line format string ["From %%l|%c|Page %%P of %%T"]?
設定前面提到的 Tag Line 格式
Time before purging a stale UUCP lock file (secs) [30]?
Hold UUCP lockfile during inbound data calls [Yes]?
Hold UUCP lockfile during inbound voice calls [Yes]?
Percent good lines to accept during copy quality checking [95]?
Max consecutive bad lines to accept during copy quality checking [5]?
Max number of pages to accept in a received facsimile [25]?
Syslog facility name for ServerTracing messages [daemon]?
Set UID to 0 to manipulate CLOCAL [""]?
Use available priority job scheduling mechanism [""]?
Your facsimile phone number (+1.999.555.1212) does not agree with your
country code (886) or area code (2). The number
should be a fully qualified international dialing number of the form:
+886 2
Spaces, hyphens, and periods can be included for legibility. For example,
is a possible phone number (using your country and area codes).
The non-default server configuration parameters are:
CountryCode: 886
AreaCode: 2
FAXNumber: +1.999.555.1212
LongDistancePrefix: 1
InternationalPrefix: 011
DialStringRules: etc/dialrules
SessionTracing: 11
RingsBeforeAnswer: 1
SpeakerVolume: off
GettyArgs: "-h %l dx_%s"
LocalIdentifier: "NothingSetup"
TagLineFont: etc/lutRS18.pcf
TagLineFormat: "From %%l|%c|Page %%P of %%T"
MaxRecvPages: 25
Are these ok [yes]?
Now we are going to probe the tty port to figure out the type
of modem that is attached. This takes a few seconds, so be patient.
Note that if you do not have the modem cabled to the port, or the
modem is turned off, this may hang (just go and cable up the modem
or turn it on, or whatever).
Probing for best speed to talk to modem: 38400 OK.
About fax classes:
The difference between fax classes has to do with how HylaFAX interacts
with the modem and the fax protocol features that are used when sending
or receiving faxes. One class isn't inherently better than another;
however, one probably will suit a user's needs better than others.
Class 1 relies on HylaFAX to perform the bulk of the fax protocol.
Class 2 relies on the modem to perform the bulk of the fax protocol.
Class 2.0 is similar to Class 2 but may include more features.
Class 1.0 is similar to Class 1 but may add V.34-fax capability.
Class 2.1 is similar to Class 2.0 but adds V.34-fax capability.
HylaFAX generally will have more features when using Class 1/1.0 than
when using most modems' Class 2 or Class 2.0 implementations. Generally
any problems encountered in Class 1/1.0 can be resolved by modifications
to HylaFAX, but usually any problems encountered in Class 2/2.0/2.1 will
require the modem manufacturer to resolve it.
If you're unsure and your modem supports it, use Class 1.
Hmm, this looks like a Class 1 modem.
Product code (ATI0) is "56000".
Other information (ATI3) is "ACER56HKC1_07".
DTE-DCE flow control scheme [default]?
是否要使用預設的 Flow Control Scheme
Modem manufacturer is "Rockwell/Conexant". ← 顯示數據機的製造廠商
Modem model is "AC/K56". ← 顯示數據機的型號
Using prototype configuration file rc288dpi-1...
The modem configuration parameters are:
ModemDialCmd: ATDT%s
ModemFlowControl: rtscts
ModemHardFlowCmd: AT&K3
ModemMfrQueryCmd: !Rockwell
ModemModelQueryCmd: !RC288DPi
ModemNoFlowCmd: AT&K0
ModemRate: 19200
ModemRevQueryCmd: ATI3
ModemSetupDCDCmd: AT&C1
ModemSetupDTRCmd: AT&D2
ModemSoftFlowCmd: AT&K4
Are these ok [yes]?
Creating new configuration file /var/spool/hylafax/etc/config.ttyS0...
Creating fifo /var/spool/hylafax/FIFO.ttyS0 for faxgetty... done.
Done setting up the modem configuration.
Checking /var/spool/hylafax/etc/config for consistency...
...some parameters are different.
The non-default scheduler parameters are:
CountryCode: 886
AreaCode: 2
LongDistancePrefix: 1
InternationalPrefix: 011
DialStringRules: etc/dialrules
Are these ok [yes]?
Creating new configuration file /var/spool/hylafax/etc/config...
...saving current file as /var/spool/hylafax/etc/config.sav.
Don't forget to run faxmodem(8C) (if you have a send-only environment)
or configure init to run faxgetty on ttyS0.
Do you want to run faxaddmodem to configure another modem [yes]? ← no 跳出